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windows live messenger Invitation

今天居然收到了windows live messenger, 也就是msn messenger 8.0的测试邀请,终于可以直接登陆msn 8.0了, 关于这个测试的申请我好像是10月份在网上看到有这么个东西,就顺便apply了,得到恢复竟然已经是两个月以后的事情了。

注册成功之后发现里面还有5个windows live messenger的邀请权限,这个好像就有点在抄袭gmail的操作方式,微软真是越来越没创意了。(ps: 需要邀请的请在下面留言里留下email地址.)



Dear MSN Beta Tester,
Okay, we’re ready for you.
You can now download and start testing the new beta version of MSN® Messenger, which will now be called Windows LiveTM Messenger.

You are part of our team of expert beta testers, and we can’t wait to hear what you have to say. We need your honest feedback to make this new Messenger the best it can be.
Best Regards,
The Windows Live Messenger team
P.S. If for some reason you’ve decided you don’t want to test the beta after all, please go to http://connect.microsoft.com to decline.

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