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QUT's world Ranking
为了证据确着起见,根据新闻提供的链接,跑去那个排名网站看了个究竟。进去发现原来这个排名就是前段时间在国内新闻说北大排到第15位,挤掉东大称霸亚太的那个(有点不现实 )。于是就对这个排名稍微有一点寒,不过其他不知道,反正我们学校理工科的实力应该有点的,67的排位也应该不会太虚的。
引用来自 QUT News
QUT claims rank in world’s top 200 unis
The Queensland University of Technology’s world-class reputation has earnt it a place in the world’s top 200 universities, according to a prestigious international rankings compiled by The Times in London.
QUT ranked at 118 in the World University Rankings, which was released on Friday by The Times Higher Education Supplement.
It is the first time the university has made the top 200.
American and British universities dominated the top 20, with Harvard named the world’s best, followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge University, Oxford University, and Stanford University.
The Times also released a global rankings for technology universities last month which saw QUT rise to a ranking of 67th in the world.
To access the full World University Rankings for 2005, visit The Times Higher Education Supplement website: http://www.thes.co.uk/worldrankings/