· tech · 2 min read
Google New Features
New! Chat is coming soon
昨天进Gmail,发现又有新功能发布。这次Gmail可以保存Gtalk的聊天纪录了,不同于MSN, QQ, 这个聊天纪录是保存在google服务器里面的,可以随时调用。过几周Gmail还将支持跟联系人的聊天,当登陆到gmail窗口时就可以像即时聊天工具一样聊天了。这样一来呢,以后有人说话不算话就可以随时拿出来对证了。
Chat with your friends from right inside Gmail. There’s no need to load a separate program or look up new addresses. It’s just one click to chat with the people you already email, as well as anyone on the Google Talk network. And now you can even save and search for chats in your Gmail account.
We’ve started rolling this out to all Gmail accounts, so yours should have it soon. It’s good to chat.