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引自Courier Mail: Banks sting you for ATM inquiries

BANK customers will be charged $2.50 just to check their balance at automatic teller machines under new fees to be introduced by banks next month.

Customers may be charged at least $5 if they decide to make a withdrawal after the balance inquiry.

And it can be revealed that four of the five big banks have confirmed they will charge their own customers “disloyalty” fees for using rival ATMs.

The so-called “direct charging” system means customers will be stung for two sets of fees every time they use a rival cash machine - once from the ATM owner and again by their own bank - even if they only make one transaction.

More stories in our Money section Westpac, ANZ and St George confirmed they will be charging their customers with a fee for rival ATMs, but said they were still considering how much.

The Commonwealth Bank is still considering its position.

NAB last month said it will charge 50c for every transaction at a rival machine.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal banks will charge separately for balance inquiries and cash withdrawals at a rival ATM.

Consumer group Choice yesterday branded the practice “disgraceful”.

It has called on the banks to drop fees for using “foreign” ATMs altogether.

“This system punishes the careful customer who checks their balance to make sure they do not incur penalty fees,” Choice spokeswoman Elissa Freeman said.

“It flies in the face of everything we have been told over the years - the idea of paying to check that you have enough money is absurd.”

Bass Hill couple Con and Maria Lolis said the fee slug was impossible to justify.

“I think it stinks. Banks make enough money,” Mr Lolis, 51, said.

Mrs Lolis, 49, said she made a point of either withdrawing during EFTPOS transactions or using ATMs of her own banks.

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