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[caption id=“attachment_398” align=“alignright” width=“316” caption=“Daylight Savings”]Daylight Savings[/caption]



话说我在Great Ocean Road上也看到牛排队回家的,而Victoria却有夏令时的啊。我的理解是因为夏天白天时间长,早上天亮实在太早了,所以要拨快一个小时。


Daylight saving time

Daylight saving is the name for the process of putting clocks forward by one hour during summer to extend the hours of daylight available at the end of the normal working day. It was introduced across Australia in 1917 as a wartime fuel saving measure, but was abandoned the same year in the face of public opposition. It was introduced across Australia again in 1942 under National Security Regulations and in the summers of 1942–43 and 1943–44. Western Australia which had made strong representations was exempt from daylight saving in 1943–44.

There was no daylight saving time in Australia after the Second World War until Tasmania—excluding King Island—introduced it in 1967–68. NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and the ACT adopted daylight saving time in 1971.

Queensland abandoned daylight saving time in 1972, did not reintroduce it again until 1989 and abandoned it again following a referendum in 1992. In 2006 a Queensland parliament E-Petition in favour of the introduction of daylight saving time was signed by 62 232 people; a parallel E-Petition against the introduction of daylight saving time was signed by 7516 people. In response to the petitions, the then acting Premier, Anna Bligh, in rejecting any change noted that she was ‘unaware of any current workable model for state-wide daylight saving that would be supported by a majority of Queenslanders’. Premier Peter Beattie has ‘hired a research company to gauge public support’ and promised to consider a referendum if ‘researchers found a majority’ in favour.



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