· life · 5 min read
Train and bus services in Brisbane have been suspended for a second time. (ABC TV)
今天早上刚考完试坐11:30的火车回家,就听说从11:45分起布里斯班公共交通全部停运(比较Lucky ),第一手消息来自于今天回国赶飞机的同学正好被堵在了火车站,在通电话时电话那头突然有警报响起,他又说正要被疏散,于是急急得挂电话,难道是恐怖袭击么?本来布里斯班这种地方是不可能成为袭击目标的,但因为前不久澳洲刚刚阻止了在墨尔本和悉尼的恐怖袭击,于是乎袭击第三大城市也就合情合理了。
引用来自 ABC News Online
Brisbane public transport stopped after threat
A city-wide shutdown of buses and trains in Brisbane is currently under way as Queensland police deal with a security alert.
Authorities say three anonymous bomb-related calls were made to 000 this morning but have declined to give further details for operational security reasons.
Trains and buses were evacuated at 12:00pm AEST, as a precaution and lunchtime services were disrupted for almost an hour.
Train and bus services in Brisbane have now been suspended for a second time.
The Premier, Police Minister, police commissioner and the Lord Mayor met this afternoon to co-ordinate the response.
Lord Mayor Campbell Newman says the anonymous threat against public transport in the Brisbane area may be a hoax.
“We’re asking people to continue to use the public transport system and not to panic at this time,” Lord Mayor Newman said.
“We certainly want to take it seriously enough to close the system down but we do believe there is somebody who is out there hoaxing us.
“It’s not appropriate that, given the recent developments in Sydney and Melbourne, that we completely ignore this.”
Lord Mayor Newman says services will stop between 4.45pm and 5.15pm AEST.
“From 4.45, the buses will be pulling over, they will discharge their passengers, the bus drivers will be instructed to take their passengers a distance away from the buses and they will wait for half-an-hour,” he said.
“Then they will hopefully continue on their way, and we won’t have any problems at all but that’s the instruction at the moment.”
Premier Peter Beattie says in light of last week’s terror arrests in Sydney and Melbourne, it is better to be safe than sorry
“Can I just ask the people of Brisbane and the south-east corner not to panic, to go about their normal business, that we are being over-cautious and we’re deliberately doing it because of the events of last week,” he said.
“We’ll get information out about the train and bus services as quickly as we possibly can.”
Police have set up a major incident room.
Commissioner Bob Atkinsons says the bomb squad is available if needed.
“At this stage, what we’re going to do is have all available police in Brisbane marshalled to assist in this matter and, if need be, they’ll stay on in overtime,” he said.
“In the current circumstances there’s general agreement it would seem quite clearly that this is the appropriate course of action.”